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Home of The Liquid Healing Crystals

Experience the power to heal

About Us

Energy & Vibration

Welcome to the wonderful and powerful world of Helikonia Healing Crystals. ​Development of these crystals started around 8 years ago with technology that intensified and amplified the energy and vibration of the crystal in a liquid form. From the original stone a liquid has been made with the same frequencies that the stone demonstrates but with increased vitality and power. The technology used has presented a much more powerful crystal than its original form. ​ They are more than crystal essence

Why Helikonia Crystals

You are being offered vibrational remedies for healing and balancing the physical body, emotional body and etheric body. These crystals are tools not only for inner transformation but also for healing and balancing the environment. We have been researching and testing these remedies for many years, and are confident that they do what they intend, when used appropriately and with understanding.

Crashing Waves

Raising Your Vibration

The energy that we are, vibrates at frequencies that we have become - therefore we create our own realities. ​High vibration frequencies are love, light, power, bliss, elation, hope etc whilst lower vibration energies consist of fear, hate, anger, lethargy, illness and depression etc.

The power of these healing crystals will raise your vibration. In a subtle way they will dissipate the lower vibration energies allowing more light in for a higher vibration.

Forest Trees

Clearing Blockages

When raising your vibration with these crystals you may experience blockages and stagnant energy issues. You may bring up old energies that have been blocking your path for some time. These energies have been brought to your attention for acceptance and release. Accept and be grateful for the experience of these issues and release them with love. Eventhough you may still have the memory of these experiences the emotional aspect will dissipate and you will move on with more light and less heavy toxic energy weighing you down.

Water Droplets

Opening to the Higher Realms

As you continue to cleanse and purify your physical body you will be able to have closer connection to the non physical realm. As the process unfolds your awareness becomes more acute. You will sense more and communicate more with the higher realms. ​We have crystals that hold a very high vibration that are not readily available for the general public but are available to those who have attained a certain vibration or Level of Consciousness (LOC)


Although committed to the concept of emotional, spiritual and physical healing, no one connected to this site is a licensed medical professional. We believe in personal empowerment for one's own healing but we also recognize that there are times when consulting a medical professional is the appropriate course of action. We ask you to use your own discernment in deciding whether this modality of vibrational-medicine be useful to you as an adjunct to any other healing process, physical, emotional and or spiritual.

Nicola Tesla

"In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being"

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